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Aalochan drishti Journal (UGC) UGC CARE GROUP-1 JOURNAL ISSN NUMBER 2455-4219

A Peer Reviewed/// Referred Journal-Monthly OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL

Volume XI, Issue IX, SEP/2021

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  • Volume XI, Issue IX, SEP/2021
  1. गौण -गीतादृष्टया गुणत्रयविमर्श:
    डा. काकली-दत्त :
    संस्कृताध्ययनविभाग :
    मेमारी-महाविद्यालय :
    Page No:1-13
  1. ಇ] 6 ಸಡಾ] ಘರಾ ಆಗ ಕರ್ನಾ *ಡಾಸ ಇತತ 6 ಕತಾ ೭177; ಆಸಗಿ ಇಡೌೆಗಾ]
    ಸತತ ಕ೪719 4! ; ಇ೫] 7ಗ್ಮ; ಇಸಗ77ರಡ 7ನ] *ಜ್ವಾಗಳ ಸಡಕ್‌
    Page No:14-28
  1. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Brief Study in the Indian Context
    Dipika Bhattacharyya, Assistant Professor; Department of Commerce, Sambhu Nath College, Birbhum
    Page No:29-34
  1. Impact of Return Ratios on Market Price per Share: A Comprehensive Analysis Using a Sample of Indian Steel Firms
    Manish Guha, Assistant Professor ; Sambhu Nath College, Labpur, Birbhum
    Page No:35-47
  1. The Art of Statecraft: Kautilya’s Arthashastra and the Diplomacy of Ancient India Giridhari Das Bairagya
    Sri. Giridhari Das Bairagya ; Department of Philosophy Galsi Mahavidyalaya
    Page No:48-55